MADEBE LIDAI - The Unsung Hero of Bongo Film.

He is popularly known as Nabii Mswahili, A name he acquired from one of the many films he has produced and been part of the cast as the protagonist.
For reasons he wishes not to disclose, Lidai, through his movies and acts has always portrayed himself as a person of very low status in society. However, he tries to demystify the assumption that people considered financially 'poor' by society are not necessarily academically poor.
In case you are lost in Tanzania and try to find him by his official name; Athumani Mbinga, you will be lost forever, never to be found until the second liberation of Christians come to be. You better stick to the old, sweet names of Madebe Lidai and Nabii Msawahili- that is if you ever want to meet him in person or follow up on him.

Madebe lidai is a Tanzanian artist who has created a name for himself through his repetitive use of Swahili proverbs artistically to create humour and educate his audiences. The Movie star, who very little is known about says he started acting Set-books while back in school and has since grown to run and manage his own media production company.

Due to his perseverance, Lidai has managed to successfully produce more than twenty (20) Tanzanian films in his name, under his record studio, LP Media. Some of his works include Nabii Mswahili, Mama Mwali, and Msungo among others.
He admits though, that just like every other industry, the film industry has its own problems and is by no means a walk in the park. " Not everyone will like you in the industry, some will mock you and others will deliberately 'pull your tail' so you fall back to where you were before or even worse, disappear from the industry."

The award-winning actor, who was born, raised and educated in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania bagged himself the Best Male Artist of the Year 2019 Award through his bongo movie Chanuo. The Awards were sponsored by Sinema Zetu Film International Film Festival(SZIFF) and hosted by Azam TV on 23rd February 2019.
Madebe boasts of bringing up more talents and nurturing them into the industry and prays they also follow suit soon and be good examples who will create platforms to develop talent across Africa. He says that for the more than ten years he has been in the industry, Tanzanian film has made great strides in the international film Industry and still hopes to take it higher.


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